Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fun Christmas Trivia Questions

Every year, I like to bring this list out to different events. Its really fun and it brings up a lot of discussion on favorite Christmas movies and songs. So print these out and see how many answers to the questions you know!!!

Does Rudolph have antlers??
In the song Jingle Bells, Who was seated by my side?
Round or Oval candies filled with fruit preserves or cream and covered with chocolate are called what??
Who said, God Bless Us Everyone??
In Christmas Vacation movie with Chevy Chase, What did he want to buy his family with his Christmas bonus money?
Who was rumored to stealing Christmas??
What was the Grinch's dog name??
What were Frosty's last words??
What were his first words?
The most popular item to put on top of a Christmas tree is called what?
Who yelled Stop to Frosty??
What two words are normally pre-printed on Christmas gift tags??
Lucy charges how much for her psychiatric services in a Charlie Brown's Christmas??
Frosty is a boy or a girl?
What reindeer is also named after a kitchen cleanser??
Alvin the chipmunk wants what for Christmas?
Does UPS deliver on Christmas Eve?
What is Scrooge's first name??
Where did there arise such a clatter??
The night before Christmas never mentions which reindeer?
What does Lucy want in a Charlie Brown's Christmas??
What was Rudolph's punishment for having a red nose??
In the Christmas song, What are all the folks all dressed up like??
Name the 3 reindeer whose name begins with a D?
Traditionally, who opens their Christmas present 1st, the oldest or the youngest??
What carol demands us Figgy Pudding??
In the poem, Twas the night before Christmas, the word Santa Claus is used how many times?? After red and green, what are the 2 most popular Christmas colors??
What's Rudolph's Dad's name?
According to the Ukrainians, what does it mean if you find a spider web in the house on Christmas morning??
Who wrote a Christmas Carol??

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Picture with Santa

She had so much fun with Santa this year. We took her to see him the same day as our family pictures. Before these pictures, ever since she was born, she had the hardest time smiling. Never on cue. But this time around, she actually had a good time. The photo lady even commented on good this experience was. That makes me and Michael so Happy!! Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas 2009

Mommy and Ava

Ava on the Sleigh

Michael and Me

Merry Christmas 2009
Love The Barrow Family

Monday, December 7, 2009

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn 2009

This year, Ava wanted to be a Garden Fairy. Well, it was more my idea because this was her 1st birthday dress and I wanted her to wear it again one more time before she grew out of it. Then we bought her some wings and got her a candy bucket and she went on her way. It was especially cute because she learned to say, "Thank you." and when anyone gave her a piece of candy, she said, "Tats chu." She was the most adorable Garden Fairy. We went to the mall and then off to Grandpa's House. He even took her door-to-door. It was the best night!!!

So many Pumpkins

She is so much fun. We were at the state fair a few months ago, and there was this pumpkin patch. We put her in the middle of the pumpkins and she thought it was so funny. She is so aware of everything around her. We have to take her to the zoo sooner or later so we can so how much fun she has there!!!!!!